Conceived by a U.S. Senator back in 1970, Earth Day (celebrated annually on April 22nd) has become a global movement bringing over a billion people from around the world together to work towards the common goal of protecting our planet for future generations.
Mindful Parenting Round-Up: Re-Thinking Resolutions
Does your family make New Year’s resolutions? Historically ours has not because 1) there’s a lot of pressure to keep a New Year’s resolution once committed; 2) these resolutions require personal introspection I generally prefer to avoid; and 3) my kids do not need me nagging them about one more thing they are supposed to be doing or not doing. Continue reading “Mindful Parenting Round-Up: Re-Thinking Resolutions”
Mindful Parenting Round-Up: Teaching Acceptance & Equality
Racial bias, bullying and intolerance, mistrust, hatred, discrimination- all of these issues stem from fear of the unknown. One thing we can do as parents is encourage our children to learn about others who are different from them and learn to respect, and not fear those differences. Here are some ideas we have rounded up to help parents teach acceptance and equality at home. Continue reading “Mindful Parenting Round-Up: Teaching Acceptance & Equality”