Teen Leadership Programs

Anchored on our feel-good, do-good model, our Teen Leadership Programs provide the unique opportunity to develop leadership skills through hands-on community service with younger-aged peers, inspiring them in habits of compassion.

Our Feel Good – Do Good Teen Programs

Offered as standalone workshops or series, Mindful Littles Teen Programs are great for all kinds of teen groups, including school wellness centers, leadership classes, community organizations, and more.

Volunteer Leaders for Elementary Students

Engage your teen group as volunteer leaders for elementary school students and families at Mindful Service Learning events. From supporting family community projects to directing mindfulness games and activity stations, teens will learn critical compassion and leadership skills, while having fun mentoring younger children. 

Assemble Mindful Care Kits for Children & Families

Looking for a fun, engaging service project on-site? Teens assemble Mindful Care Kits that will benefit children and families, while also learning and practicing the mindfulness and self-compassion tools themselves.

Check out one of our recent Teen Leadership Programs in action.

Benefits of Teen Leadership Program

  • Earn volunteer credit
  • Build leadership and mentoring skills
  • Learn and habituate compassion habits for teens and littles alike
  • Strengthen peer connectednes

Meet our inaugural Youth Leadership Award recipients!

This May we had the distinct privilege of awarding two of our long-standing teen leaders, Nina and Livia Segall, with our inaugurl Youth Leadership Award.

Read more

Bring our Teen Leadership Program to your school or organization.