Last year a friend told me about a unique journal called "One Line a Day," which spans a 5-year period. Each page in the journal is for a particular month and day (e.g., January 1)...
A Grateful Twist to a Pumpkin Craft
Today I had the opportunity to help with my 1st grader's Halloween party at school. We did a few simple yoga and movement games, but most of our...
Exploring and Thanking Mother Nature
This past weekend we launched Mindful Littles' first Kids 'n Nature program.  We partnered with two wonderful organizations, John Muir Land Trust (JMLT), and Tinkergarten to deliver this...
Show Appreation With a Family Gratitude Sharing Circle
Try this Family Gratitude Sharing Circle activity to encourage your family to express their thanks for one another.
Start a Gratitude Journal To Nurture Self-Compassion
To kick off the first #WeeklyKindnessProject of the new year, I want to start teaching my girls about self-compassion and that being kind to ourselves is just as important as being kind to...