What does it mean to play? As a parent, my mind goes right to my kiddos and all the ways they play — dress up, Legos, hula-hooping, a loud game of Sorry! — but I rarely think of myself when it comes to playing.

Making Compassion a Habit
For this sensory game, players use touch and taste to (literally) savor the moment. With the sense of sight temporarily switched off by a blindfold, the other senses are heightened, focusing...
This smelly, spicy sensory game taps into the sense of smell to encourage presence in the moment. Adding a blindfold makes the game even more fun! When you're done, use the spices to create a cool...
This is an awesome activity recommended by a local mom, who used to play this game when her kids were younger.  It's essentially a hide-and-seek game but with a singing bowl.  My girls...