Food. One of the most important and basic human needs, and yet 1 in 9 people are chronically undernourished in the world- around 795 million people according to the United Nations. The...

Making Compassion a Habit
Food. One of the most important and basic human needs, and yet 1 in 9 people are chronically undernourished in the world- around 795 million people according to the United Nations. The...
In years past I have always spoken of our veterans with great respect and honor, but it isn't until this year that I really appreciated the human experience of our veterans and their loved...
November 13th is WORLD KINDNESS DAY and as part of OrindaCares, we have some exciting initiatives planned to celebrate this...
The Universe works in "wondrous" ways to speak to us. About two weeks ago at a friend's baby shower I learned about an inspiring principal, who is teaching her...
This past weekend we launched Mindful Littles' first Kids 'n Nature program.  We partnered with two wonderful organizations, John Muir Land Trust (JMLT), and Tinkergarten to deliver this...
Yesterday Mindful Littles had a wonderful opportunity to lead a mindful service project at one of our local elementary schools. Â We partnered with Julie Atkinson of Center of Hope...
This week's kindness project is an idea that was inspired by some of our dear friends. It's a ritual they started after moving into their new home. Â Â Any time they have new guests, they...
Mindful Littles is continuously striving to make mindfulness and heartfulness fun and creative for children. To help energize our team with more creativity, a couple of us from Mindful...
Last Sunday Justin Cole from Joy in Motion chose "Old Times Rock n Roll" as the song choice for our Mindful Littles Groovin' for Good dance, and the lyrics couldn't have be more appropriate....
The inspiration behind our Weekly Kindness Project is from the touching story of a woman, Robyn Bomar, who spent her 38th birthday doing 38 random acts of kindness. Â She spent her entire day...