Answering the question, “What is Labor Day?”
This last week my 6-year old asked me a simple question, “Mommy, what is Labor Day?” I realized I hadn’t really spent any energy thinking about the meaning of this national holiday.

Life is Good Game Builds Habit of Gratitude
By acknowledging our challenges, then recognizing what is good in our lives, we can develop a habit of gratitude alongside difficult circumstances and feelings.

Making Mindful Meals for Thanksgiving
Food. One of the most important and basic human needs, and yet 1 in 9 people are chronically undernourished in the world- around 795 million people according to the United Nations. The...

Wishing our Veterans Peace, Love and Heartfelt Gratitude
In years past I have always spoken of our veterans with great respect and honor, but it isn't until this year that I really appreciated the human experience of our veterans and their loved...

Express Kindness in November with OrindaCares
November 13th is WORLD KINDNESS DAY and as part of OrindaCares, we have some exciting initiatives planned to celebrate this...

The “Wonder” in Each of Us
The Universe works in "wondrous" ways to speak to us. About two weeks ago at a friend's baby shower I learned about an inspiring principal, who is teaching her...

Exploring and Thanking Mother Nature
This past weekend we launched Mindful Littles' first Kids 'n Nature program.  We partnered with two wonderful organizations, John Muir Land Trust (JMLT), and Tinkergarten to deliver this...

A Loving-Kindness Letter Exchange From One Country to Another
Yesterday Mindful Littles had a wonderful opportunity to lead a mindful service project at one of our local elementary schools. Â We partnered with Julie Atkinson of Center of Hope...