At Mindful Littles we believe compassion is an essential life skill.


We strengthen connectedness through compassion experiences for all ages.

Our children are facing unprecedented challenges. From a staggering youth mental health crisis to growing social isolation, the research is clear.

Compassion strengthens youth well-being, social connection and resiliency.

This is why we’ve designed an innovative framework to help our youngest generations regularly practice compassion from the inside out.

The Cycle of Compassionate Action

The more you feel good, the more you do good. The more you do good, the more you feel good.

What We Do







Mindful Community
Service Projects

We organize engaging community
service events and bring them to your doorstep to your school, workplace, or local community.







Mindful Care Kits

Our Mindful Care Kits provide tools and activities that help children learn how to care for themselves with mindfulness and compassion practices.







Youth Leadership Programs

Our mindful leadership programs for teens help them develop leadership skills through hands-on community service.

Our Impact


Students Reached


Mindful Care Kits for Children & Families


Mindful Community Service Projects

Strengthening connection, belonging, and resilience.

Who We Work With

We reach children directly, and also by mindfully nurturing the entire network of community support that surrounds them. See how we can help your organization.



Community Groups


Group 1300
Group 1300


Mindful Community Service Experiences to Uplift Youth Well-Being

Every program seamlessly integrates our feel good-do good model to engage in purposeful community action. 

Engage in FEEL GOOD practices to strengthen mental well-being and connectedness, 

while practicing DOING GOOD through community service, to support youth well-being.

"Wow, on behalf of our Girl Scouts troop, a heart-felt Thank You for the thoughtful and enlightening workshop!! We are so excited about the breathing and movement skills you shared, linking the concepts of feeling good and doing good, and reminding us these calming tools are useful everyday! This was an invaluable workshop, really well done, and we so appreciate what you all do!!”
— Bay Area parent
I would 100% recommend this program to any school or district as a way to help students learn and utilize social/emotional life long skills and strategies to become more engaged and better learners.
— Michelle John, Superintendent, Paradise Unified
$20 helps us reach 5 children in need.

Support us with a donation today.