Martin Luther King Jr. Day is traditionally a day of service. Here are a few simple activities you and your family can do from home to support your community.
Planting seeds and caring for them as they grow is a wonderful way to practice compassion for another living thing. In this activity, saying a positive affirmation before planting the seeds and as we care for them helps us practice self-compassion, too.
The moment the idea of our nonprofit organization, Mindful Littles, came to my heart and mind, I knew that it felt different. Perhaps it was the unshakeable knowing that was the difference.
Experiencing joy is about connection, whether it’s to others or the world around us. Noticing the wonders of nature, big and small, is one way to connect and inspire joy.
In the beginning of any new year, we hear a lot about resolutions and goal setting. But what is the purpose of these resolutions and promises we make to ourselves? That’s where intention setting comes in.
A few years ago when visiting family for Thanksgiving, we decided to put up a Gratitude Tree. Without much fanfare, the kids and their cousins passed around autumn leaves and markers and asked everyone to share what they were grateful for.