Conceived by a U.S. Senator back in 1970, Earth Day (celebrated annually on April 22nd) has become a global movement bringing over a billion people from around the world together to work towards the common goal of protecting our planet for future generations.
Honoring the Seasons: Spring
It’s officially spring in the Northern Hemisphere, the time of year when we begin to enjoy more daylight than dark. It’s also a time when the world, literally, comes into balance.
Honoring the Changing Seasons: Fall
The autumn equinox recently occurred, officially heralding the return of the fall season. Can you feel fall in the air yet? The changing of the seasons is exciting. Perhaps we’re looking forward to pumpkin spice flavors, falling leaves and upcoming holidays. For many of us, however, life goes on as usual. We don’t always notice the days are getting shorter and the nights longer, and simply continue on with our activities and priorities. Continue reading “Honoring the Changing Seasons: Fall”
Life is Good Game Builds Habit of Gratitude
By acknowledging our challenges, then recognizing what is good in our lives, we can develop a habit of gratitude alongside difficult circumstances and feelings.
“One Line a Day” of Gratitude to Kick Off the New Year
Last year a friend told me about a unique journal called "One Line a Day," which spans a 5-year period. Each page in the journal is for a particular month and day (e.g., January 1)...
Wishing our Veterans Peace, Love and Heartfelt Gratitude
In years past I have always spoken of our veterans with great respect and honor, but it isn't until this year that I really appreciated the human experience of our veterans and their loved...
A Grateful Twist to a Pumpkin Craft
Today I had the opportunity to help with my 1st grader's Halloween party at school. We did a few simple yoga and movement games, but most of our...
Show Appreation With a Family Gratitude Sharing Circle
Try this Family Gratitude Sharing Circle activity to encourage your family to express their thanks for one another.
A Big Valentine’s Thank You to our Local Firefighters
Gratitude was the theme of this weekend's Mindful Littles community service event. Â Yesterday we got together with several families from our community to give a big Valentine's Thank You gift...