“I’m feeling flappy,” my five-year-old says, looking up at me. Flappy is our word for feeling restless, or out of sorts, or just not quite right. Whenever that happens, we start by talking about why, but what works better, every time, is hugging him hard, or, failing that, dance parties.
Breathing Meditation: Loving-Kindness Buddy Wishes
This meditation practice is a great way to make the loving-kindness meditation concrete for elementary school children.
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Connect to the Earth With a Barefoot Walk
Walking barefoot outside is a wonderful way for children to use their sense of touch to experience their bodies and surroundings. Plus, going barefoot or “earthing†provides several scientifically researched benefits, including better sleep, reduced inflammation and increased antioxidants thanks to the way our bodies interact with the earth’s electrons.
Continue reading “Connect to the Earth With a Barefoot Walk”“My Very Own Peace Book”
Today is the International Day of Peace, which was first established by the United Nations in 1981 to promote peace across all countries. There are celebrations worldwide to commemorate this day...