When we witness a kind act, it actually improves our mood, making it more likely we too will be kind. Here are a few inspiring kindness projects and activities to help you spread a little kindness into the world.
A wonderful way to add kindness and color to our communities while we shelter-in-place is by creating chalk drawings and writing uplifting chalk messages on driveways and sidewalks. In fact, chalk art is so popular right now, it’s making chalk hard to come by. That’s when knowing how to make homemade chalk comes in handy.
Our local businesses do so much for our communities, from providing us food and flashlights to toys and toilet paper. One simple way to show them our appreciation and support is by making uplifting Signs of Positivity to post on their doors and windows.
Nature and art make perfect companions in this sensory outdoor project. First you’ll use your keen observation skills to collect natural materials outside. Next, you’ll use those items to create a Nature Paint Brush. Finally, you’ll paint beautiful Kindness Cards to send to seniors, delivery people, and the people you love and care about. Let’s get started!
This week marks the first anniversary of the Mindful Littles Peace Kits for Paradise service project when partnered with the Orinda Union school district to create and deliver peace kits to share with Paradise Unified students in the aftermath of the devastating Camp Fire,
Introducing young children to the concept of peace helps them return to those feelings of calm and contentedness when they experience emotional overwhelm. Linking the feeling of peace with a particular person, like a parent, teacher or friend helps reinforce for kids that they’re not alone when they need help regulating.
With a quarantine in progress across many parts of the world, now is a perfect opportunity to encourage kids to be of service at home (they might disagree, but stay with me here).
Ever help carry someone’s groceries, drop cookies off at your neighbor’s or slip a few quarters into an about-to-expire parking meter? Or maybe you smiled at a stranger walking by, helped an elderly woman step down from the bus or made a funny face to distract a fussy child.