Making Heartfelt Holiday Cards for children coping with chronic illness and their families is an easy, creative way to engage in mindful service at home, work, or school.
GivingTuesday is known as a global day of giving to support nonprofits around the world. It happens every year on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving and kicks off the giving season.
Planting seeds and caring for them as they grow is a wonderful way to practice compassion for another living thing. In this activity, saying a positive affirmation before planting the seeds and as we care for them helps us practice self-compassion, too.
From September 1st to 21st, Mindful Littles is joining Born This Way Foundation’s #BeKind21 campaign to encourage connection and mental well-being through kindness.
Painting colorful, inspirational Kindness Rocks to deliver to neighbors is a creative way to show kindness. Add a personal postcard and watch the kindness spread!
Our local businesses do so much for our communities, from providing us food and flashlights to toys and toilet paper. One simple way to show them our appreciation and support is by making uplifting Signs of Positivity to post on their doors and windows.
Nature and art make perfect companions in this sensory outdoor project. First you’ll use your keen observation skills to collect natural materials outside. Next, you’ll use those items to create a Nature Paint Brush. Finally, you’ll paint beautiful Kindness Cards to send to seniors, delivery people, and the people you love and care about. Let’s get started!
Introducing young children to the concept of peace helps them return to those feelings of calm and contentedness when they experience emotional overwhelm. Linking the feeling of peace with a particular person, like a parent, teacher or friend helps reinforce for kids that they’re not alone when they need help regulating.
Ever help carry someone’s groceries, drop cookies off at your neighbor’s or slip a few quarters into an about-to-expire parking meter? Or maybe you smiled at a stranger walking by, helped an elderly woman step down from the bus or made a funny face to distract a fussy child.