Blindfolded Fruit Tasting Game Sharpens Taste
For this sensory game, players use touch and taste to (literally) savor the moment. With the sense of sight temporarily switched off by a blindfold, the other senses are heightened, focusing...

Rainbow Walk: Sense of Sight Grounds Us
Taking a Rainbow Walk is a simple, fun way to practice mindfulness with Littles using our sense of sight. Focusing on the world through a single sense is a powerful way to anchor our awareness...

Outdoor Sound Hunt: Sense of Hearing Anchors
An Outdoor Sound Hunt is exactly what it sounds like: you walk, hike or sit with your kiddos outside, stay (relatively) quiet and try to "hunt" or notice all the different sounds you hear. This...

Connect to the Earth With a Barefoot Walk
Walking barefoot outside is a wonderful way for children to use their sense of touch to experience their bodies and surroundings. Plus, going barefoot or “earthing†provides several scientifically researched benefits, including better sleep, reduced inflammation and increased antioxidants thanks to the way our bodies interact with the earth’s electrons.
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Noticing vs. Reacting: The Ice Cube Episode
One of my favorite pre-parenting stories is from a birthing course that my husband and I took before the birth of our first daughter. Like many first-time parents, we had signed up to be...

Spicy Sensory Game: Sense of Smell Focuses
This smelly, spicy sensory game taps into the sense of smell to encourage presence in the moment. Adding a blindfold makes the game even more fun! When you're done, use the spices to create a cool...